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//Copy this file to /etc/webapps/phpredisadmin/config.inc.php and make changes to that file to customize your configuration.
$config = array(
'servers' => array(
'name' => 'local server', // Optional name.
'host' => '',
'port' => 6379,
'filter' => '*',
'scheme' => 'tcp', // Optional. Connection scheme. 'tcp' - for TCP connection, 'unix' - for connection by unix domain socket
'path' => '', // Optional. Path to unix domain socket. Uses only if 'scheme' => 'unix'. Example: '/var/run/redis/redis.sock'
// Optional Redis authentication.
//'auth' => 'redispasswordhere' // Warning: The password is sent in plain-text to the Redis server.
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => 6380
'name' => 'local db 2',
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => 6379,
'db' => 1, // Optional database number, see http://redis.io/commands/select
'databases' => 1, // Optional number of databases (prevents use of CONFIG command).
'filter' => 'something:*', // Show only parts of database for speed or security reasons.
'seperator' => '/', // Use a different seperator on this database (default uses config default).
'flush' => false, // Set to true to enable the flushdb button for this instance.
'charset' => 'cp1251', // Keys and values are stored in redis using this encoding (default utf-8).
'keys' => false, // Use the old KEYS command instead of SCAN to fetch all keys for this server (default uses config default).
'scansize' => 1000 // How many entries to fetch using each SCAN command for this server (default uses config default).
'seperator' => ':',
// Uncomment to show less information and make phpRedisAdmin fire less commands to the Redis server. Recommended for a really busy Redis server.
//'faster' => true,
// Uncomment to enable HTTP authentication
/*'login' => array(
// Username => Password
// Multiple combinations can be used
'admin' => array(
'password' => 'adminpassword',
'guest' => array(
'password' => '',
'servers' => array(1) // Optional list of servers this user can access.
// Use HTML form/cookie-based auth instead of HTTP Basic/Digest auth
'cookie_auth' => false,
/*'serialization' => array(
'foo*' => array( // Match like KEYS
// Function called when saving to redis.
'save' => function($data) { return json_encode(json_decode($data)); },
// Function called when loading from redis.
'load' => function($data) { return json_encode(json_decode($data), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); },
// You can ignore settings below this point.
'maxkeylen' => 100,
'count_elements_page' => 100,
// Use the old KEYS command instead of SCAN to fetch all keys.
'keys' => false,
// How many entries to fetch using each SCAN command.
'scansize' => 1000